Studying Online

Joining an online course is a great way to develop new skills - at your own pace. It's useful for those that are too busy to get to a classroom, ideal for stay at home mothers and perfect for those that live in geographically remote parts of the country.
But for me, the best part of online learning is that even though you might not get to meet the tutor in person, you have their uninterrupted attention for the duration of the class. While class is running you can fire off as many questions as you like and not just about the topic being studied. I find that students email me about buying cameras and lenses, about shooting video, about travel, in fact pretty much everything to do with photography. You can also talk to the other classmates - some of which you might find live in your geographic area - the forum generated is often quite lively and students are as likely to learn from their fellow classmates, as they are from me.

I teach online with two organisations:

This company runs a huge range of courses held on a monthly and two-monthly basis covering just about every photo topic you can think of.  I teach the Photoshop Essentials and Photoshop Elements Essentials courses, plus DSLR Video. Courses cost on average US$195 (for a month).

How do these BPSOP classes work?

- Log on, pay for the course [online] and you receive immediate access to the online tutorial area for that class [within PPSOP].
- Watch the posted videos and read any of the PDF documents provided
- Download the .pdf assignment document
- Complete the assignments
- Upload the finished work to the upload area.
- I then log into this area and critique the work done in a video format. My response is then posted directly to

I also teach online through:

Here I also teach a class called the Complete Guide to Photoshop Elements which typically runs for 5-6 months and involves more than 30 online video tutorials and 20 assignments.
I also run the Complete Guide to Adobe Lightroom class.
This runs for four months. Please check the website for the current schedule.

How do my CCE classes work?

- Log on, pay for the course [online] and you receive immediate access to the online tutorials delivered using
- Watch the videos
- You receive a .pdf document covering the assignments once a month.
- Complete the assignments
- Upload the finished work to my site
- I then assess and critique the work done and post my responses as an audiovisual reply at

If it appears that any of the techniques are NOT fully understood in one month, I personally make it my responsibility to contact the student and train them up, either through emails, phone calls, or by posting student-specific tutorials before the next set of assignments is posted. That way no student should ever fall behind - the fact that the assignments are only due once a month also frees students up if they have holiday plans.
And deadlines are always flexible.

Interested? Contact Robin at for pricing and course start dates

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