One of the oddities involved in shooting video with a DSLR is that
there's no obvious RAW file format. For this reason, shooting using a 'default' video mode creates all sorts of contrast and dynamic range problems -
highlights blow out, and often digital noise plagues the shadows.
For the best results you can load a special colour profile that drops the
contrast, sharpness and colour values captured in the raw clip
dramatically. This profile produces what initially appears to be a
fairly useless looking result - the contrast is dead flat and colour
almost non-existent. BUT, it gives you nearly two added stops in dynamic
range, and because of this, there's less need to crank the ISO values
through the roof. And less need to worry unduly about contrast (although
this is always relevant when shooting video).
Where do I get one of these special profiles? From the Technicolor website.
Although this is not a true RAW file for video, it's close to it. Cinestyle is a colour profile designed for Canon DSLR cameras. To use this profile, first download off the Technicolor Site then follow the online instructions (This has to be copied onto a memory card and uploaded into the DSLR). Once done it appears in one of the free User Defined Picture Style slots (Canon DSLRs have three spare slots). From this point you can further adjust the contrast and sharpness and colour settings to produce a truly flat looking result. This is then edited in the normal way using any of the video editing applications on the market. I use Adobe Premiere Pro a lot as it seems to do everything - the clips have to be graded - the is a video term meaning editing - we use tools such as Curves to add a slight S-Curve back into the clip to boost the highlights and shadows. Doing this turns your not-so-interesting-looking clips ito something a lot more visual.
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